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Laughlin, Clara E. So You´re Going To England! Methuen & Co. London 1928 571 hardback, 2nd edition with a new preface, no dustjacket 31830 250,-
Mistry, Rohinton Family Matters Faber and Faber London 2006 500 OBr., anglicky 31833 100,-
Mistry, Rohinton A Fine Balance Faber and Faber London 2006 614 OBr., anglicky 31834 100,-
Michaelides, Alex The Silent Patient Orion London 2019 342 softcover 31889 100,-
May, Peter Freeze Frame River Run London 2016 371 softcover 31944 150,-
May, Peter Blacklight Blue River Run London 2016 404 softcover 31945 150,-
Fforde, Jasper One of Our Thursdays Is Missing Hodder & Stoughton London 2011 388 softcover, private Happy Birthday wish written in the book 32012 100,-
Fforde, Jasper The Eyre Affair Hodder & Stoughton London 2001 373 softcover 32013 100,-
Pamuk, Orhan A Strangeness In My Mind Faber and Faber London 2015 760 softcover 32014 120,-
Yates, Richard Revolutionary Road Vintage London 2007 338 softcover 32015 100,-
Smith, Zadie NW Penguin Books London 2013 335 softcover 32016 100,-
Smith, Zadie White Teeth Penguin Books London 2001 541 softcover 32017 100,-
Bazin, Germain The Louvre Thames and Hudson London 1966 320 softcover, slighly worn edges 32138 100,-
Paneth, Philip Eduard Beneš. A Leader of Democracy Alliance Press London 1945 127 OCpl. s mírně pošk. ob., anglicky 32260 200,-
Táborský, Edward Czechoslovak Democracy at Work George Allen & Unwin London 1945 159 OCpl., preface by sir Ernest Barker 32262 250,-
Bragg, Melvyn The Maid of Buttermere Hodder & Stoughton - A Sceptre Paperback London 1988 478 softcover 32426 80,-
Pym, Barbara The Sweet Dove Died Grafton London 1980 188 softcover 32509 60,-
Cullum, Ridgewell The Luck of the Kid Queensway Press - Chevron Books No. 6 London   320 softcover 32511 100,-
McEwan, Ian The Cement Garden Vintage London 1997 138 softcover 32514 100,-
Bradbury, Malcolm The History Man Arrow Books London 1981 229 softcover, worn copy 32518 50,-